Sister Sarah Constance OCC: NG Catholic Nun Level:1 Exp: 0 Needed: 1950 Gender: Female (obviously) Age: 35 Height: 5' 7" Weight: it's not polite to ask the weight of a nun! Eyes: Brown Hair: who knows? it's under her wimple. Alignment: Principled (DUH!) Disposition: Kindly but very firm. Philosophy: God has called me to minister to all people and fight for His cause. Sentiments to Non-Humans: "They are God's children like any others." IQ: 14 ME: 32 MA: 22 Charm/Impress: PS: 11 PP: 10 PE: 13 PB: 12 Spd: 10 HP: 18 SDC: 14 ISP: 75 OCC Skills: Interrogation Techniques: 80% Literacy: 98% Languages: Tongues: 98% Latin: 90% Greek: 85% Hebrew: 75% Lore: Religion: 98% Anthropology: 85% Radio: Basic: 55% Pilot: Hovercraft: 60% Pilot: Hovercycle: 70% Sign Language: 60% Read Sensory Equipment: 40% Weapon Systems: 65% WP: Grenade Launcher WP: Energy Rifle WP: Yardstick OCC Related Skills: Cook: 65% Prowl: 35% Wilderness Survival: 45% Singing: 55% Demolitions: 65% Detect Ambush: 50% Detect Concealment: 70% Surveillance: 45% Paramedic: 60% Secondary Skills: Basic Mechanics: 30% Basic Electronics: 30% Identify Plants/Fruits: % Gardening: 34% Bartering: 25% Sewing: 40% Psionics: Exorcism (10) Sense Evil (2) Presence Sense (4) Resist Fatigue (4) Resist Hunger (2) Resist Thirst (6) Summon Inner Strength (4) Healing Touch (6) Equipment: Utility Belt Rosary Bible First Aid Kit Air Filter & Gas Mask Walkie-Talkie 3 brown/white habits Combat Boots Canteen Weapons: Grenade Launcher Yardstick (uber MDC materials) inscriptions on sides: "A whip for the horse, a bridle for the donkey and a rod for the backs of fools!" Proverbs 26:3 and "A fool's lips bring him strife, and his mouth invites a beating." Proverbs 18:6 Vehicle: NG-480 Turbo. 220 mph, 11 ft long, 1000 lbs, 92 MDC main body, Nuclear engine, two riders Dbl-barrel heavy ball laser (4d6 MD, 2000 ft range)...weapon options (Choose two: dbl-barrel heavy ball laser, Mini missile launcher, mini missile pods)