LitBolt grumbles at the lack of food. Arsenal: LB: cook the cat or dog. Arsenal: the pets prolly eat better than you, anyways. Empress adds a new Friendly Over Optimized Damfine processor to LB's comp Arsenal: a FOOD processor %) Arsenal /dcc food to LB LitBolt looks back in Empress: the Mark IV version, specifically designed to function best running the Very Egalitarian Graphical Interphase LitBolt: I don't think food /dccs well. Arsenal: it does with a FOOD processor Empress: running VEGI LitBolt: Ah... I see. LitBolt thwacks his printer a couple times and waits for a burger Arsenal: you get cheddar-covered pretzels. Empress: nono, you're thinking of the Mark VII Arsenal: (didnt have any burgers available) LitBolt: Hmm... Oh, crap. No ink cartridge. I guess no food for me. Empress: the Mark IV isn't compatible with the Bastardized Undercompiled Randomizing Generator of Rouwdiness Empress: -w LitBolt: Damn. Arsenal: shoulda given him the Mark VIII... that's fully compatible with everything. Empress: unless you upgrade. the Mark V runs VEGI-BURGR pretty well Arsenal: even the REDMEAT system. Empress: well the IV is still better than the Mark II Empress: that only ran SPAM Arsenal: after all, why have the VEGI-BURGR, when you can have real REDMEAT? Arsenal: Emp: true. Arsenal: Although I happen to like SPAM. Empress: Ars: wel there's always something to be said for antiques and classics :)