PraxxGM: Try PraxxGM: you're up *** Carter2 is now known as Carter David: She can Try, but it won't mutt-er ;) Taleisin: lol Carter: *wince* Correna: Dave: yer trying too hard. ye Kane't be doing that or we'll have to Carter off. Aldric: *snrk* David: :) Carter: ooc: Corr's to let sleeping dogs lie PraxxGM: cease fire! PraxxGM: :) Carter: lol Taleisin: lol Correna: snrk Aldric: hurray! the CS has surrendered! Carter: no...just the gm! Taleisin: lol Carter: ooc: It appears Try's dragon her turn out Correna: nownow, no point in flaming her. Carter: the scales are already tipped in our favor even without the dragon! Correna: we shall triumph by virtue of our Pun Fu Carter: lol Carter: you win...i'm out of dragon puns Correna: aw, yer snout of puns, I'm sure you could claw up a few more before the scales completely tipped in my favor. :) Carter: yuchh!' Carter: I would retort, but I can't see through the Smaug of foul punnery Correna: oh, I've got a veritable hoard of more. Carter: comepared to my treasure trove of double entendres and obscure references, you may as well surrender Correna: Surrender? I laugh at your feeble response that merely repeats the use of my own ammunition. It takes a bit more than that to make a fire-breathing punner. Carter: I am afraid that I will get more Draco-nian as the evening wears on! Carter: ***come on, that was good!*** Correna: might as well leave that to Try, she is far more amorous of it. Carter: amorous? Try? Carter: Your puns are getting weaker...are you getting burnt out? Correna: your smoke screen shan't fool me as to your weakness Correna: Try-Amour. so that's the french root versus the latin spelling :) Carter: It's your attempts at puns and stuf f/lame as they are that is dragon the contast down Carter: (oh unning in multiple languages is way over my head!) Correna: double repeats! you lose points :) Carter: oops...i missed that part of the rules...we need an ump pyre Carter: haha! that's a winning touch! Correna: a nice point that, en-tailed a fair bit of thought. I suppose I'll just have to wing it. Carter: oh...that was good...especialy the tail one Carter: I guess we're in-fer-no holds barred fight Correna: yup. but we're not Doomed yet. Merely beknighted. Carter: oops...i didn't get that one. Is there a dragon named Doom> Carter: ? Correna: Mount Doom. Correna: and a knight ref :) Carter: oh right! By (Saint) George, that's a good one! Correna: Lance'd the lot of them, we shall. Carter: My puns fly straight as an arrow! Correna: arrow? we aren't having a row at all. the maim thing is to kill off the rest of the dragons. Carter: oh...ouch. OUCH. Alright. Please. I give up! I canna take nae mare! Correna: *grin* Carter: wow! your good! Carter: wow! your good! Correna: it's a survival skill in my fam :)