Log file opened at: 5/13/01 4:17:08 PM *** Topic for #rifts: "Spirits of Yakko, Wakko, and Dot. Heed me now, Advance this plot!" *** Topic for #rifts set by Arsenal on Saturday, May 12, 2001 6:31:41 PM #Rifts: Empress @Brif @Arsenal @Slip @Duras @Drazai @Daisuke *** End of /NAMES list. *** Channel Mode is +tnrc *** Channel created at Friday, May 4, 2001 2:41:09 AM Duras: ok Draz and Brif ya go first *** Empress is now known as Vryie Brif: Yeah but 6 at a time? :) *** Arsenal is now known as Derimachia Drazai: Casts magic missile at big mouth Brif attacks the nearest Wuss Boy. Duras: Vryie ya can be there already to if ya like Duras: just need init Duras: d10 Derimachia: !roll 1d20 Brif: 18 to attack. Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 11 Derimachia: !roll 1d10 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 8 Duras: Brif ya hit Draz roll d4 Slip: Duras: We wanna roll high or low? Duras: for init ya wanna low Slip: okee... Duras: for hitting ya wanna high :) Duras: on d20 to hit Brif: 7 damage. Duras: damage Brif Duras: cool Duras: Braz mm damage? Drazai: 4 Vryie: !roll 1d20 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 20 Drazai: Braz? Brif: Braz?! Duras: hehehe Duras: sorry Duras: hehehe ;) Derimachia: *snicker* Brif: What are you trying to do?! Splice me and Draz? Drazai: lol Duras: man that would be SCARY Drazai: that's a match made in hell Brif: Hey! Brif: :P Brif: Anyway, what do I do to Wuss Boy? :) Duras: ok Draz mm hits big boy and he gives you a dirty look Duras: Brif the guy you hit laughs at you and swings in return Drazai: he can suck Kitty's tentacles Duras: !roll 1d8 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 8 sides per die: 2 Brif: "What the hell?!" Duras: Brif ya take 2 dam Brif: "Hey!" Brif: "Argh!" Duras: (you did damage though Brif, but he doesn't seem to mind hehehe) *** Mode change "+o Vryie" on #Rifts by Derimachia Brif: I know, that's what confused the hell out of Brif. :) Duras: ok 4s Duras and bad guys Brif: He's so used to watching people die after one hit. :) Duras: Duras charges big boy with 2 handed sword... Derimachia: someone fill me in on what's going on, tho... /msg it Duras: !roll 1d10 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 7 Duras: Duras' axe hits the big boy and the guy curses and swings back at Duras Duras: !roll 1d10 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 9 Duras: owch Brif: Man, the leader seems to be much more of a wuss than his followers. :) Drazai: lol Duras: The big boy's sword cleaves Duras and Duras cries out and takes the blow Brif: Ouch. Drazai: owie Drazai: bastard Derimachia: *wince* Duras: ok... Deri one guy is coming at ya with a long sword Brif: You know.......I'm starting to think they ARE 3rd level. :) Duras: Vryie same as ya Drazai: probably Duras: !roll 1d8 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 8 sides per die: 1 Vryie: what *is* this thing anyway? Derimachia: I decide to simulattack with m own sword. Brif: They're human bandits. Duras: !roll 1d20 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 13 Vryie: oh, ok. Duras: Deri ya take 1 dam (lucky you :) ) Derimachia: !roll 1d20 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 16 Duras: Deri ya hit :) Derimachia: !roll 1d8 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 8 sides per die: 2 Duras: ok guy takes 2 noted Derimachia: *blarg* Duras: !roll 1d20 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 4 Duras: ahh Vryie ya lucked out ;) Duras: Draz one comes up on you Duras: !roll 1d20 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 17 Drazai: bastard Duras: hits Duras: !roll 1d8 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 8 sides per die: 1 Duras: hehehe Drazai: lol Brif: OUCH, just be lucky he didn't critical. Derimachia: *wince* Duras: take one point ;) Vryie: who many are left? Drazai: thats good, i only have 6 hit points (5 now) Brif: 6 are still alive. :) Slip: when's my turn? Duras: well you only see 5 and a growl a little off to the left Derimachia pulls out RealDice for this. Slip: Real dice~! Duras: "Ahhh! what the hell!" growl, snarl, "Yipes!!" Duras: Slip your turn Slip: !roll 1d20 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 10 Brif: Have we met Slip yet or is he still out of sight? Derimachia: Daisuke hates me, cause I was spellcasting with it as a target Duras: Ars your turn to Derimachia: 16 strike Derimachia: 8 damage! Duras: yippee!! Slip: I rolled an 18 against the one of the mooks on the end of the line. Duras: cool dam? Brif: Ars, you get two attacks per round?! :) Derimachia: "Didn't your mommy ever tell you not to attack a lady?" Drazai: lol Derimachia: I was told it was my turn... *shrug* Duras: hehehe Duras: the guy droops ;) Brif: Ah. :P Vryie 'accidentally' bares some stun-worthy cleavage and breaks the nearest one's neck as he looks. Derimachia: o_O? Drazai: lol Vryie: !roll 1d20 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 20 Duras: the guy pauses in mid stride "Wowsers..." Brif: LOL!!! Duras: hehehe critical hit!! Duras: max damage!! Brif: I guess she really stunned him. :) Derimachia: *ooh* critical! Duras: what be your weapon? :) Drazai: that redefines the term cleavage... Brif: Cleavage Strike!! Vryie: assassin H2H Duras: you all notice the guy a little down the line that was slipping up on Draz squeals and falls over dead Duras: in his place is ... (Slip...input ..) Duras: hehehe Derimachia: *snicker* Vryie looks innocent Slip: this lithesome waif in leather armor is clutching a bloodied dagger. "Sheesh! Can't a girl get any sleep around here?" Brif glances over at Draz. "Hah! Looks like you got lucky again!" Derimachia looks over. how many left? Duras: 4 Duras: everybody went ? Derimachia: including mine, or not? Duras: wanna make sure I ain't missed anybody Drazai: as far as i know Duras: (ooc: your's still standing, but woobling) Duras: ok Draz and Brif ya go first again then Duras and bad guys then everybody else (since bad guys go on 4) Derimachia: 'k... Brif: 1st attack. Brif: 16 Duras: dam Brif: At the same guy. Drazai pulls both swords and goes after big boy or nearest enemy Duras: (I hope so ;) ) Brif: 5 Duras: ok guy finally drops hehehe Drazai: 15/3 Duras: Draz guy off to ya left Brif: "Let's see you laugh now!" Duras: hehehe Brif goes after 2 handed sword guy. Duras: Draz guy gets wounded and gives you a dirty look Duras swings on big boy Brif: 9 on 2nd attack. :P Duras: opps :( Duras: olla well *** daren (darenweste@ip243.phoenix24.az.pub-ip.psi.net) has joined channel #rifts. Duras: !roll 1d20 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 15 Duras: Duras's Axe collides with big boy again... Derimachia: 'lo daren Duras: !roll 1d10 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 10 sides per die: 3 Brif: Ouch, this guy is tough. :) daren: hello drazai, i think it worked Brif: Oh is this nomad? :) Drazai: nope Brif: ??? Duras: big boy takes dam daren: nope darenwestern2000, i play TJ in rifts Duras: Hey Daren Duras: waz up :) daren: ola Duras: big boy swings on Duras again... Duras: !roll 1d20 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 8 daren: trying to join in Duras: hehehe misses Duras: bady on Draz Brif: Geez, he sucks with that blade. :) Duras: !roll 1d20 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 8 Duras: misses mage! Drazai: swoosh Duras: bady on Vryie Duras: !roll 1d20 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 8 Duras: misses Duras: a growl and squeal is heard.... Duras: now there are 3 Duras: you're guys' turn Duras: guy on Vryie is wounded bad Vryie smiles sweetly and jams a fast acting poison pellet up his nose. Duras: big boy is badly hurt Duras: guy on Draz is hurt Duras: roll to hit Vryie: !roll 1d20 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 20 Brif: Geez! Duras: hehehe bot likes ya Duras: hehehe Derimachia: I decide to slug the guy in the face with the sword hilt. Drazai: lol Duras: roll to hit Derimachia: 16 Duras: dam is only 1d6 plus strength Derimachia: strength is 11, so proll no bonii there... Duras: nope Duras: roll d6 Duras: dude is hurt anyhoo Duras: hehehe Derimachia: *blink* my dice like me... Derimachia: 6 Duras: hehehe Derimachia: no bonii for the sword hilt? Duras: guy swoons and keels over Derimachia: as that's what I hit him with Duras: just the dude gets a broken nose Duras: hehehe Derimachia: *snicker* Duras: and passes out Duras: hehhe Slip: I whip out my short bow and shoot the last guy Slip: rolled a 17 Derimachia: "Nice shootin'." Slip: hit for 5 dmg Brif: He's probably dead now. :) Duras: cool yepper Duras: only big boy left Brif: Morale check? :) Derimachia sheaths the sword, and picks up her long bow, notching an arrow. Duras: hehehe Duras: Brif Draz you 2 go Drazai: Sword strike Brif: 20 :D Duras: roll that beautiful bean footage ;) Drazai: 18 to hit and 1 damage Brif: Dammit. 6 damage. :P Duras: guy drops! cool ;) and calls out for the blessing from Bane Brif: Oh wait forgot to add my strength modifier. Duras: hehehe Brif: Bah the guy's dead anyway. :) Duras: Duras kneels a little Duras: roll d20 Brif and Draz since ya next to Duras Drazai: 15 Brif glares down at the dying moron. "Was 10 gold really worth that much?" Brif: 7 Duras: Brif ya notice that Duras is a little green and that his wound is festering at a tremendous rate Drazai: icky Slip: "Queer fellows, those." She stoops over and roots through the guy she stabbed's pockets for loose coin. Brif: "Hey um, maybe we gotta get you to your priest girlfriend." Brif: "You don't look so good." Derimachia: "Vryie, you think you might be able to help him?" Vryie pauses in her pocket rifling Duras: "His...sword...tainted..." Duras passes out Vryie glides over to examine the wound Brif picks up the guy's sword and takes a good look. Duras: Slip ya find severl pouches Drazai searchs through dead bodies too Duras: sword has a greenish tint to it Slip opens them. Derimachia cleans her sword on the guy she knocked out. Brif: "Oh great, Vry do you know how to cure this?" Slip: Any extra arrows on these bandits? Duras: several silver pieces and rocks Vryie rolls identify poison Duras: no arrows Derimachia: armor? Vryie: !roll 1d20 Duras: leather only Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 8 Slip: rocks = semi-precious stones? Duras: nope just black/greyish rocks Slip cleans her dagger on the guy's shirt sleeve as she pockets the silver. Duras: Vryie you can tell that the poison is a fast acting type Vryie spreads a gooey mixture over the wound Duras: each lower bad guy (unfortunately you guys only find 4 others; 5th guy is missing) Duras: each body had 3 pouches Duras: in each pouch there were 3 silver pieces and several rocks Duras: the mixture seems to be reacting with the festering wound Derimachia takes a rock, and tosses it at a tree. Duras: causing the wound to close a little Duras: the rock hits the tree Duras: you also find slings on each body Duras: Draz roll a d20 Slip: 'Sling stones, it looks like." Drazai: 2 Duras: Kitty isn't around Derimachia: "Looks it" Vryie: "We're going to need to get this man to a healer or a priest." Duras: after a few mins Duras' green tint vanishes back to his reddish/brownish coloring Brif: "Well then let's get him going quick." Vryie: ok, maybe not :) Duras: (thank god for dwarven cons) Brif: Nevermind. :) Derimachia: "Well, whatever you did, you helped." Derimachia: "But he should have that looked at by a priest." Drazai: "Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty!" Drazai: brb Derimachia: "Anyone know what god he worships?" Duras: Draz Fuzzbee ain't around either Brif: "Ah, he'll be fine!" gets back on his horse. Drazai: "Oh joy..." Brif turns to Draz. "he's probably off slaughtering civilians! I told you that cat'll be the death of us!" Slip: "which guy? The big pug-ugly over there?" She goes over to look through his stuff. Duras: he has 3 pouches Duras: 1 has 10gold Duras: 1 has rocks Drazai ignores brif. "Get Duras to help. I needs find my cats." Derimachia: *to Slip* "No, our dwarvish friend." Brif looks at Deri "He said something about clandingy." Duras: 1 has a small bottle in it Vryie helps look for the cats, looks for tracks Derimachia: "Well, its a start." Brif: "Well Duras is kinda not available Draz." Drazai: ... Drazai: am i just not communicating properly today? Slip shrugs her shoulders. "I wouldn't know. I just woke up in the middle of a melee." Slip pockets the gold and the bottle. Derimachia helps the dwarf get back on his horse. Duras: Draz ya see where Kitty went; large footy prints Derimachia: "I'll walk with him, make sure he doesn't fall off. Which way's town?" Drazai follows the Kitty prints Brif: Draz, I took that as getting Duras to help you. :) Slip sees if she can get her arrow out of the guy's chest without breaking it. Duras: roll d20 Vryie follows Draz Brif: "Deri I'll take him, put him on my horse." Duras: Slip roll d20 to see if arrow comes out ok Duras: Duras weighs (with armor and all) around 250 Derimachia helps get Duras over to Brif. Brif: Ouch. Brif: "Take some of his armor off." Slip: 17 Derimachia shucks the armor. Duras: arrow comes out ok Duras: armor is a little hard to get off Brif: Hmmmm. Slip cleans it off on the guy's pants and restocks it in her quiver. Duras: a medallion clanks against the armor Derimachia: "I could use a hand here, Brif." Brif gets off his horse and gets Duras' nag over. Duras: hehehe mountain pony Duras: ;) Derimachia eyes the medallion Brif calms the pony. Duras: Brif as you get close to the pony it tries to bite at ya Duras: !roll 1d20 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 10 Slip finishes looting. "Here. Let me." Duras: hehehe misses but snags ya clothes Brif: "Hey!" Brif: "hey let go!" Duras: Deri medallion is 2 axes crossing Drazai: lol Duras: Brif squirrel is laughing at you Derimachia ignores the medallion for now, and goes back to getting the armor off. Brif glares at the squirrel "Tell him to calm down will you?" Duras: "Chitchitchitter?" Derimachia: "Brif, quit messing around with the animals and get over here." Derimachia: *underbreath* "Men." Duras: hehehe Drazai continues to follow the prints Duras: you hear a munching sound Draz Brif: "I'm trying to get his pony over there so that he won't add any extra weight to my horse!" Vryie continues to follow Draz Duras: off to your far left Duras: and a blur coming right at ya Brif leads the pony over to where Draz is. Duras: !roll 1d20 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 6 Slip passes Deri. *whispered* "Go fig." Brif: Heh heh. Derimachia: "Ignore the pony for now! Help me get his armor off." Brif oocly watches Draz get jumped by the blood covered kitty. :) Duras: "Meoooow!" Fuzzbee comes flying next to you Duras: and circles around your legs purring Brif: "Grrrrr fine then!' Brif mutters to himself "Damn hag....." Duras: hehehe Brif goes and helps pull the armor off. Drazai picks up Fuzzbee, and guesses what Kitty is doing Duras: hehehe Derimachia smiles at Slip... "By the way, I'm Deri. You are?" Duras: munch, munch, slirp, crunch, crunch Drazai heads to where Kitty is having 'lunch' Brif: Draz if you value your stomach, don't go. :) Duras: "Mmmrff, mmrrash.." Duras mumbles a little as you start getting armor off Duras: and the bead bearded dwarf looks up at Deri and smiles; eyes glazed some Brif immediately lets go. Duras: "Umm another beautiful lady," and chuckles a little and falls unconscious again mumbling about red headed elves... Brif: "Well lookie here looks like you found some new friends Duras!" Brif smiles innocently. Brif: "Geez and they're already tearing your clothes apart." Duras: Draz ya come upon the 5th man being devoured by Kitty Slip: "Call me Slip." Drazai lightly smacks Kitty for eating the bad guy Vryie: *snrk*! Drazai: "Bad Bad! You can kill the bad people, but you can't eat them Derimachia: "Okay. Slip it is. Help me lean him forward." Drazai: +" Duras: the kitty growls and snarls at you but steps back a little Slip does so. *to Deri* "This guy doesn't get out much, does he?" Brif: Oof, Draz you're not raising it right. :) Drazai: lol Derimachia: "Maybe a little too much." Drazai: would you rather Kitty eat wheat and oats? Vryie returns intime to hear Slip's comment Derimachia releases the chest plate. Brif: YES! :) Duras: the kitty's tail is swishing back and forth and it's tentacles are swishing as well Duras: it dives thru the woods heading back toward the party Derimachia: ... tentacles? Brif: Draz, careful. :) Vryie: "Hehehe" Derimachia: what kind of kitty is this? Duras: chest plate comes off ok Brif: Take five steps back and RUN! :) Drazai: I head off after him, making sure he doesn't try eating the good people too Duras: Deri roll d20 Brif: ..... Duras: slip to Vryie: Deri: nothing you want to piss off :) Derimachia: 15 Duras: ok Drazai: lol Duras: Slip? Derimachia: defensive adjustment: -4 .. however that works Derimachia: reaction adjustment: +3 Duras: Deri ya ain't aware of it ;) Duras: unfortunately didn't roll low enough Derimachia: 'k Duras: you're still messing with Duras' armor Brif: Uh oh, you're it's next victim. :) Duras: Slip ya roll d20? Brif: Slip's being distracted again. :) Duras: hope hurry; I gotta run and take hubby to work Drazai: lemme guess, Kitty wanted desert? :) might have to kill kitty after all Duras: guys wanna pause here until 7pm?? Derimachia: sure... Duras: I'll be back then his damn car is in the shop again Brif: Yeah! Be back! :) Duras: damn chevy Vryie: *shrug* sure Drazai: lol Duras: just hope ya all be here :( I"ll be back Duras: see ya in a bit Slip: I got a 16 Derimachia: dungeon-crawling until then? Drazai: lol Duras: ok if Arc wants to Duras: see ya in a bit *** Signoff: Duras (Quit: There is darkness with light; which are you? The end comes to all, mine has come...) Vryie: sure, let me go grab something to eat though Drazai: dungeon crawl it is then Derimachia changes form... Brif: Yeah, I gotta get a drink too. *** Brif is now known as Yerle *** Derimachia is now known as Gitana_Garcia_y_Chavez *** Gitana_Garcia_y_Chavez is now known as Gitana Slip brews up a dungeon crawler character. BRB. Gitana edits aliases for the gender Yerle: Back. *** Drazai is now known as Arc_GM Vryie: b *** Slip is now known as J-Rrollin Yerle goes back to watching Bait while JR rolls. :P Vryie: rifts d-crawl right? Gitana: Bait? Arc_GM: yep Vryie switches to other sheet. Gitana: Vryie: IIRC, it was Vryie: there we go. Yerle: Ars, yeah movie with Jamie Foxx. Arc_GM: pick where we left off? Vryie: sure, we all just dived through that rift J-Rrollin: no MDC structures, right? Vryie: and I'm still wearing the ring J-Rrollin: Arc: we can't have MDC chars nor structures? Arc_GM: can have MDC characters and strucutres Gitana: well, the rift was just supposed to be my character's exit... Vryie: heheheh Arc_GM: not any more :) Vryie: too bad, we all dived through it :) J-Rrollin: ah... I'll just bust out my undead slayer then Gitana: oops. Arc_GM: the rift dumped you all in a wasted cityscape under an the glow of a very large moon or planet in the sky above Yerle: Oof. :P Vryie tests the gravity Vryie: *THUD* Arc_GM: about equal to earth gravity Arc_GM: rather hot out (90-100 degrees) Gitana looks around. "No, this ain't the Land of the South Winds... Missed again." Yerle just starest at Vryie collapse....."ooooooooookay." Vryie rolls up to her feet fluidly Arc_GM: "Where the fur are we????" Al says, panting from the heat Vryie: "Gravity's about normal." Yerle: "I don't know, maybe we should go somewhere else soon?" Gitana: light? Gitana: ambient, dim, etc? Arc_GM: daytime type light, tinted red Gitana flexes her hand, muttering to herself. Gitana: "Alkarias." Gitana: A glowing ball of light appears above Gitana 's head. Gitana: ambient mystic energy level? Vryie looks around Arc_GM: equal to a mid size nexus point on earth Gitana: "So, check out this place, or head back to the dungeon?" Arc_GM: Vryie: you see the ruins of an ultratech city. from those signs not lost to errosion and time, you can tell that war had come to this place *** Signoff: Yerle (Read error: Connection reset by peer) Vryie: "Gitana, really. What's the likelihood that you could actually rift back to that dungeon?" Gitana: "Fairly good, since I've been there." Arc_GM: Mininal, I'd say :) Vryie: "Considering your track record so far? Riight." Vryie: "Although getting us away from the undead things was nice." Gitana looks around. "Run down ultratech city, dim red light, ambient magic levels. Creepy." Arc_GM: Hear a loud clomping type noise in the distance *** J-Rrollin is now known as Kyrie Vryie gets under cover asap Vryie: !roll 1d100 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 100 sides per die: 19 *** Gain (Javier@ACAF0ED9.ipt.aol.com) has joined channel #rifts. Vryie: that's a pass on the prowl Gitana: 're Gain *** Gain is now known as Yerle *** Mode change "+o Yerle" on #Rifts by Vryie Yerle: Hey. Yerle: Last thing I saw was Ars casting globe of daylight. Arc_GM: you successfully prowl under cover Arc_GM: joined by Al Arc_GM: Gain: "Gitana, really. What's the likelihood that you could actually rift back to that dungeon?" Arc_GM: "Fairly good, since I've been there." Arc_GM: Mininal, I'd say :) Arc_GM: "Considering your track record so far? Riight." Arc_GM: "Although getting us away from the undead things was nice." Arc_GM: Hear a loud clomping type noise in the distance Arc_GM: * Gitana looks around. "Run down ultratech city, dim red light, ambient magic levels. Creepy." Arc_GM: *** J-Rrollin is now known as Kyrie *** Arc_GM has been kicked off channel #Rifts by Daisuke (flood) *** Arc_GM (arcanis_do@1Cust205.tnt1.duluth.mn.da.uu.net) has joined channel #rifts. Arc_GM: oops *** Mode change "+o Arc_GM" on #Rifts by Vryie Gitana slips into the shadows. "Forces of Darkness, hear my plea. Hide me! Hide me!" Vryie: cfrom JRrollin Gitana: feel free to hit me for that one. Vryie: *WHAP* Vryie: :) Arc_GM: did I miss much after getting kicked for flooding? Yerle readies his rifle. Kyrie: nope Gitana: not a thing Vryie: *** J-Rrollin is now known as Kyrie Vryie: Vryie gets under cover asap Vryie: Vryie: !roll 1d100 Vryie: Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 100 sides per die: 19 Vryie: *** Gain (Javier@ACAF0ED9.ipt.aol.com) has joined channel #rifts. Arc_GM: so, who else is under cover? Vryie: there, now we're up to date Gitana: well, I'm hiding in shadows, after canceling the GoD. Gitana: Shadow Meld spell. Kyrie: just waiting for my cue Gitana: say you rifted in with us? Arc_GM: a figure drops out of the sky and lands on the ground Vryie peers cautiously Yerle: "Who are you?!" Arc_GM: as the clomping gets louder and the ground starts to shudder Yerle: "Oh no." Gitana eyes the newcomer's tattoos. "Atlantean Undead Slayer, am I right?" (note: this appears to come from the shadows) Yerle decides to hide with everyone else. Kyrie: "Yes. How did you know?" Vryie: wise move Yerle Gitana: "I've travelled." Yerle: Well when the ground starts shaking....... :P Gitana: "Better hide." Arc_GM: oh, lol Kyrie scampers over to the shell of building the voice came from. Yerle: Arc, I didn't mean for you to hurry. :) I meant that as a response to Vryie. :) Vryie snickers oocly at the mental pic of an undead slayer 'scampering Kyrie: "I should've made that left turn at Aber-Toril." Arc_GM: lol Gitana: *snicker* Arc_GM: as you all hide, another figure appears, running past. Chasing this person is a large, organic looking machine with 4 arms (2 possess claws) Yerle gasps. Gitana concentrates, the iron rod floating in front of her Gitana: "Maegaglos!" Gitana: organic_machine is struck by a lightning blast from the heavens. Vryie stays very quiet Arc_GM: This machine, Yerle finds very familiar Yerle: Well our cover is blown. :) Kyrie: You see this tall, powerfully built woman with long brown hair and a brown leatheresque leotard, with tattoos all over her body. Arc_GM: Gitana: the lightning blast sort of...slides off of it Arc_GM: with no effect Gitana concentrates, the iron rod floating in front of her. Gitana: "Maeglha!" Gitana: the_machine is struck with a fireball! Arc_GM: As with the lightning, the fire ball fizzles when it comes into contact with the machine. Gitana reaches out, gathering the ambient mystic energy into him. Yerle stares at the machine and whispers "Guys, we can't kill this thing, I know how they are we better LEAVE now!" Gitana: "Air and water, frigid things." Gitana: "Wind and snow, thy song I sing." Gitana: "Gather ye in freezing mist." Gitana: "Let very air become my fist." Gitana releases an iceblast at the_machine Arc_GM: the same machine turns and peers toward your direction Yerle: "Gitana! don't!" Yerle: "RUN!!!" Arc_GM: the iceblast also slides off it Gitana: "Shit." Vryie flees. quietly and stealthily as possible Yerle runs to the other side of the building. Arc_GM: Al runs too Yerle peers over the edge of the building. Gitana: *to Yerle* "Any ideas on how to defeat it?" Kyrie holds her left hand in front of her and grabs her wrist with her other hand. Within seconds, a flaming sword materializes in her left hand! Yerle: "They have this weak spot below the back of the head, in between their shoulders." Arc_GM: the machine targets the area to the immediate left and fires an heavy energy blast at the decayed structure Gitana dives to the right... Arc_GM: the area hit gets vaporized Yerle: "Crap!" Yerle gets behind the building again. Kyrie rolls out of the way to the left, springs up, and runs right at the creature. Arc_GM: the machine homes in on Yerle's voice and starts moving Gitana: "I can try and rift it someplace, but I don't know what that'll do to the inhabitants of where it gets rifted." Yerle runs to the other side of the building away from the Akarim as he hears it get closer. Gitana follows Yerle Yerle: "No don't! It'll tear them apart." Gitana: "That's why I didn't try. What is it?" Kyrie throws her sword up into the air, does a handspring, jumps up into the air, and catches the sword as she lands on the creature's back! Arc_GM: The machine starts to drop on its back Gitana thinks... if spells don't affect it *directly*.... Yerle: "An Akarim Assault Robot. They're nasty, It took 6 of us in bots to take it down." Vryie dashes out in front of it to distract it, runs to next building Kyrie brings down the sword right in the back of the head! Gitana calls lightning down in front of the bot, as well as behind it. Yerle rushes out and fires at the bot. Arc_GM: the sword sorta wavers as it hits the bot Kyrie: wavers? Yerle: 23 to hit. Arc_GM: tatto sword? Gitana calls lightning down on the buildings on both sides of the bot, trying to trap it in rubble. Kyrie: yep. 17 + 1 on the strike, BTW. Arc_GM: the sword pass through without causing damage Arc_GM: Yerle hits and the buildings around the bot start to collapse as Gitana's lightning does its damage Vryie: we're screwed. yepyep. Kyrie jumps clear of the bot as it backflops! Gitana: what's this thing look like? Humanoid, tracked, etc? Yerle: 30 MDC. Kyrie: "Mou! Do I need a Terran Confederation Broadsword with torpedoes to kill this beast?" Yerle: "Yes!" Arc_GM: 18 feet tall, 4 arms; one set of arms has claws, other set has energy cannons, 2 legs, oblong head with eyes Arc_GM: lol :) Kyrie: From Phase World? Gitana: Naruni Enterprises has a Broadsword fighter, IIRC. Yerle runs to try and get behind the bot. Kyrie OOCly watches Gitana's player completely miss the WC reference. Or simply not call attention to it. Gitana continues with the lightning assaults on the surrounding area. Gitana: actually, I got it... Arc_GM: which is just rolling onto its side in order to get up and stuggling through debris Kyrie: Which is why I tossed in the second option. Yerle fires when he gets a clear shot of the backside. Gitana does an iceblast on the ground underneath it... Arc_GM: roll to strike Kyrie dismisses the sword and pulls out her Kitani rifle. Arc_GM: the ground beneath the bot freezes over, slowing it down much Yerle: 14 Arc_GM: damage? Yerle: 34 Gitana pages through the journal... do I have a Wind Rush spell in here? Arc_GM: you hit the vulnerable area, but don't breach the armor Arc_GM: Gitana: yes Yerle: "Dammit!" Gitana tries a Wind Rush on the thing. Yerle fires again. Gitana also calls upon the ice spell to freeze the air directly in front of the guns, plugging them. Arc_GM: Gitana: don't have my book out, what does wind rush do? Yerle: 9 for attack. Gitana: knocks things over Vryie looks through tthe rubble for something, anything that looks useful Arc_GM: bot gets knocked over, at the same time as Yerle fires and hits its arm, as the vulnerable point was shifted Arc_GM: Vryie: you find a dusty, beaten up rifle Kyrie: "Where does it shift to?" Yerle: 38 MDC. Gitana: any of the other mages in the group here? Vryie looks at the rifle Arc_GM: Facing straight up Arc_GM: Its of unknown make and design, but feels sturdy and looks like it could do some impressive damage Yerle: "Dammit, don't do that! Now I can aim at the weak spot!" Yerle: can't, rather. Vryie attempts to find the proper part to stand behind and the other proper part to trigger the thing Arc_GM: Vryie gets it right and has the business end pointed toward the bot, and finds the trigger Vryie braces herslef and pulls the trigger. Gitana forms a glowing golden pentagram, sits in the center, facing the point, and attempts to summon a Minor Earth Elemental, drawing on the ambient magic energy for power. Arc_GM: Vryie: roll to strike? Vryie: !roll 1d20 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 9 Yerle tries to get in a position to get a clear shot at the backside. He lies down if he has to. Kyrie draws a bead on the back of the creature's head. Yerle: Ugh, Arc got cut off. Yerle: He's back. *** Drazai (arcanis_do@1Cust14.tnt4.duluth.mn.da.uu.net) has joined channel #rifts. *** Mode change "+o Drazai" on #Rifts by Gitana Gitana: what'd you see last? Vryie: Arc_GM: Vryie: roll to strike? Vryie: Vryie: !roll 1d20 Vryie: Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 9 Vryie: Yerle tries to get in a position to get a clear shot at the backside. He lies down if he has to. Vryie: Kyrie draws a bead on the back of the creature's head. Vryie: Yerle: Ugh, Arc got cut off. Vryie: Yerle: He's back. Gitana forms a glowing golden pentagram, sits in the center, facing the point, and attempts to summon a Minor Earth Elemental, drawing on the ambient magic energy for power. *** Signoff: Arc_GM (Ping timeout) *** Signoff: Drazai (Quit: ~Captain Picard: "Geordi, have you fixed the Worp Core yet?" ~Geordi: "No, Captain, but we're having such a good time at it!") Gitana: *ow* Yerle: Hmmm.... Vryie: you killed him Ars. Yerle: Heh heh. :) Gitana: Summons are supposed to go the *other* way! %) Vryie Summons[tm] Arc! *** Drazai (arcanis_do@1Cust14.tnt4.duluth.mn.da.uu.net) has joined channel #rifts. *** Mode change "+o Drazai" on #Rifts by Gitana Vryie bows Drazai: grr...crappy time for ISP to crash on me Gitana: blarg... Drazai: so, what did I miss this time Vryie: last seen? Kyrie: whee-crap Drazai: Vryie using the rifle Vryie: Arc_GM: Vryie: roll to strike? Vryie: Vryie: !roll 1d20 Vryie: Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 9 Vryie: Yerle tries to get in a position to get a clear shot at the backside. He lies down if he has to. Vryie: Kyrie draws a bead on the back of the creature's head. Vryie: Yerle: Ugh, Arc got cut off. Vryie: Yerle: He's back. Vryie: Gitana forms a glowing golden pentagram, sits in the center, facing the point, and attempts to summon a Minor Earth Elemental, drawing on the ambient magic energy for power. Vryie: *** Signoff: Arc_GM (Ping timeout) Vryie: *** Signoff: Drazai (Quit: ~Captain Picard: "Geordi, have you fixed the Worp Core yet?" ~Geordi: "No, Captain, but we're having such a good time at it!") Vryie: Gitana: *ow* Vryie: Yerle: Hmmm.... Vryie: Vryie: you killed him Ars. Vryie: Yerle: Heh heh. :) Vryie: Gitana: Summons are supposed to go the *other* way! %) Vryie: Vryie Summons[tm] Arc! *** You have been kicked off channel #Rifts by Daisuke (flood) *** #rifts Cannot send to channel *** #rifts Cannot send to channel *** #rifts Cannot send to channel *** #rifts Cannot send to channel *** #rifts Cannot send to channel *** Topic for #Rifts: "Spirits of Yakko, Wakko, and Dot. Heed me now, Advance this plot!" *** Topic for #Rifts set by Arsenal on Saturday, May 12, 2001 6:31:41 PM #Rifts: Vryie @Drazai @Yerle daren @Gitana @Kyrie @Daisuke *** End of /NAMES list. Yerle: Everyone's getting knocked off some way or another. :) *** Mode change "+o Vryie" on #Rifts by Gitana *** Channel Mode is +tnrc *** Channel created at Friday, May 4, 2001 2:41:09 AM Vryie: :) Vryie: re Drazai: lol *** Drazai is now known as Arc_GM Arc_GM: ok, elemental is summoned, Vryie's shot, made up of a energy blast and a mini missile hit and then we can move right along Gitana orders the elemental to "destroy the robot, but leave if you are about to be destroyed." Yerle: Does Yerle ever get a clear shot? Arc_GM: not unless he is above the bot he won't Gitana notes that all attacks done by the elemental will prolly be straight physical. The body's formed from the rock of the surrounding area. Yerle: Don't you mean under? I thought he was like leaning back as to where he's facing up? Arc_GM: he got knocked on his face Yerle: Ahhhhhh. Yerle: How high's the building? Arc_GM: about 10 stories Vryie presses the trigger again Arc_GM: Vryie: strike Vryie: !roll !d20 Vryie: er. Gitana: the elemental goes in, fists swinging. Vryie: !roll 1D20 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 7 Arc_GM: Kyrie: need strike roll, you have a good LOS on the back of its head Vryie: eww. Gitana: (each punch does 5D6 MD) Vryie gets knocked on her derriere again be recoil and misses Arc_GM: actually, thats a hit Yerle: Dammit.....and I thought I had the limited flight spell.... Vryie: oh, but wasn't the first one a hit too then? Arc_GM: its face down with an elemental on it Yerle: Ooh, got levitation. :) Arc_GM: yes Yerle gets up close to the edge of the building and casts levitate on himself. Arc_GM: Between the two of them, you've taken one of its eyes out Gitana cheers on her elemental Arc_GM: the bot attempts to get up with a couple of tons of elemental on its back Arc_GM: Yerle: you go up and up and up Vryie fires again Gitana: "Yerle! Where's the weak spot?" Gitana: "Elemental, hit where Yerle tells you to!" Yerle: As soon as I get tot he roof I stop and climb it. Arc_GM: Vryie strike? Vryie: !roll 1d20 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 6 Arc_GM: Yerle: you on roof Yerle: "In between the shoulders on it's back!" Yerle fires his rifle at the weak spot. Yerle: 22 Gitana: 12+5 for the elemental's strike Gitana: !roll 5d6+0 Daisuke: Rolls, and total, for 5 dice at 6 sides per die and a modifier of +0: Daisuke: Rolls: (3 2 2 2 1) Total(w/modifier): 10 Gitana: 10 MD to the weak spot. Yerle: 29 MDC. Kyrie comes back from the bathroom, shoots at the weak spot.... Arc_GM: the armor over the weak spot is looking really weak Kyrie: !roll 1d20+1 Daisuke: Rolls, and total, for 1 dice at 20 sides per die and a modifier of +1: Daisuke: Rolls: (11) Total(w/modifier): 12 Kyrie: that a hit? Yerle fires again at the weak spot. Gitana: as does the elemental... Yerle: 28 Gitana: 15+5 to strike, Vryie fires again Yerle: 37 MDC. Kyrie: Arc: ? Vryie: !roll 1d20 Gitana: !roll 5d6+0 Daisuke: Rolls, and total, for 5 dice at 6 sides per die and a modifier of +0: Daisuke: Rolls: (4 3 6 1 5) Total(w/modifier): 19 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 11 Kyrie deals 46 MDC. Gitana: 19 MD by way of a rock fist on the weak spot Arc_GM: the weak spot is reduced to a splattered, charred mess Yerle: "Hah hah!" Yerle fires again. Gitana: effects on the bot? Yerle: 9..... Kyrie: [Arc_GM PING Response]: 11 seconds Kyrie: - Arc_GM: the bot twitchs and spasms as its AI control system is destroyed and it collapses Replied (private) CTCP PING from Vryie PING delay for daren: 1 second PING delay for Kyrie: 2 seconds PING delay for Gitana: 2 seconds PING delay for Daisuke: 2 seconds PING delay for Arc_GM: 2 seconds PING delay for Yerle: 4 seconds PING delay for Vryie: 5 seconds Gitana: "Okay, elemental, cease your attacks." Vryie cautiously steps out into the open Yerle: "Whew." Yerle casts Levitate again and comes down. Vryie: "Any of you know what this weapon is?" Gitana: elemental is 6 ft. tall, btw... Yerle: "Wait, where is that person that was being chased by the Akarim?" Yerle looks around. Vryie: at that, Vyrie fades back into the background Yerle: "I know that model DynaTech DTI=15PBM." Vryie: "A what?" Yerle: "It's a big gun." Vryie: "Oh. Well I knew *that*." Arc_GM: Particle Beam and Missile rifle Yerle goes around looking for the person. Gitana: sure Vryie can actually *lift* that? Gitana helps Yerle look, Arc_GM: they use Naruni micro missiles Vryie: Gitana: no :) Gitana: ah... Arc_GM: as copyright infringed by DTI Yerle: Didn't you see her bounce around after she fired it? :) Gitana look at the elemental. "Protect them." Gitana indicates the others. Vryie is looking a little battered. Gitana looks for the guy that the Arakim was chasing. Yerle: And so was Yerle. :P Arc_GM: the guy has passed out from the heat Gitana looks at him. Yerle: "Hmmm.....might as well take him in the shade." Gitana: !roll 1d100 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 100 sides per die: 32 Vryie: !roll 1d100 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 100 sides per die: 21 Yerle drags him to cover. Gitana: Paramedic roll passed... Vryie: that's a pass for Holistic healing Kyrie goes over to help attend to the man... Gitana pulls out her canteen, and gives him a sip of water, as well as splashing him with some water. Arc_GM: The individual is wearing the same uniform as Yerle and he looks like he has been through several kinds of hell Gitana: "Don't want to cool him too fast." Arc_GM: He has the Fleet insignia on him Gitana eyes the insignia. "Yerle, what's this patch?" Arc_GM: Is a human male of 20-30 years of age, blonde hair, average height Yerle: "Dominion Navy, I didn't know they were here too." Gitana: "Who?" Vryie: "Wherever 'here' is." Kyrie: "Dominion?" Yerle: "The Dominion Exploratory Fleet division." Yerle: "Yeah, the Dominion Empire." Kyrie: Arc: Have I heard of the Dominion? Gitana: . o O (Department of Redundancy Department) Yerle: "We've been fighting the Akarim for a while now. Looks like they got here first before we did." Yerle: LOL! Arc_GM: Kyrie: Only vaguely Vryie: Gitana: hey! that's copyrighted and trademarked byt the Constainian Empire! :) Yerle: Is he conscious yet? Gitana: actually, the Conspiracy Corporation over on RACC had it first. Arc_GM: no, he isn't yet Arc_GM: he is moaning and groaning like he is having a bad dream though Vryie: you sure? that departments 5 years old. Yerle searches his pockets for a communicator or something. Gitana: the Conspiracy Corporation is 8 years old. Gitana: talk to Jaelle. Arc_GM: Yerle: why not use your own? Vryie: oh, ok :) Yerle: Bah. ;P Arc_GM: lol Gitana: "So, you know him?" Yerle pulls it out and tries to reach any other Dominion posts. Yerle: "Nah, I don't really talk with people fromt he expeditionary fleet much." Arc_GM: Yerle: gets an earful of battle chatter from above Yerle: "Ummm......crap." Vryie: Arc: how do we know it's from above? :) Arc_GM: Good point :) Yerle: LOL! Arc_GM: Its off to the left by the Super America gas station :D Arc_GM: j/k Kyrie: :D Yerle: "Hey hey! Can you hear me......." looks for his name tag. ;) Yerle: Having trouble coming up with a name? :) Gitana stands up, and stretches. "Hey, Kyrie, Vryie, Al, you guys know anything about this... Dominion? Or the Arakim?" Arc_GM: Al shrugs, confused Yerle: "That's Akarim..." Vryie: *shrug* "No idea." Arc_GM: his name tag is missing Yerle: "Hmmm oh well. Hey can you hear me?" Arc_GM: thats a good way to identify yourself... Yerle casts cure minor disorder on the soldier. Yerle: Well I need to know if he understands me yet. :P Arc_GM: ... Arc_GM: that stands to reason that he can understand you Gitana: "What I'd give for some Restore materia." Yerle: ???? Arc_GM: "Who is this?!" a voice answers Yerle Yerle checks the communicator. "Lieutenant Command Roid, over." Yerle: +er. Vryie: Yerle Roid? *snrk* Yerle: ........ Arc_GM: lol! Yerle: That's it, the two of you get in line so that I can kick both your asses! :P Arc_GM: Yerle's cure minor disorder spell takes care of the guy's minor injuries and he falls into a restful sleep Vryie: but my fine derriere looks *so* much sexier without a footprint! Arc_GM: lol Kyrie: "This Dominion is news to me..." Gitana: *snicker* Yerle: "Well we try and not to interfere with other civilizations." he smiles. Yerle: So?! It's on principle! :P Arc_GM: "LT. Commander Roid (GM laughs), What are you doing down there? the 7th Fleet reported you 1200 light years coreward!" Gitana: "So, what happened here? And I assume that you know where 'here' is, right?" Yerle: "I have no idea. I was warped around for a bit all of a sudden now I'm here. What is this planet?" Arc_GM: (Oh shit, i have to think up a planet name and stuff...) Yerle turns to Gitana "Nope." Yerle: LOL! Vryie: *SNRK* Gitana: Dantooine. Vryie: *WHAP* Gitana: *duckruns* Arc_GM: lol Arc_GM: "You...Nevermind, you'r on the planet Kalaandor, of the H'zha republic, sir." Yerle: "We've encountered and Akarim assault bot and I found a wounded soldier, could you send a transport?" Arc_GM: "We're , rather busy up here. the fleet's been ambushed by an Akarim armada ," Kyrie: "Why am I not surprised?" Yerle: "Understood. Where's the nearest outpost on this planet?" Gitana: "What's the deal with the Akarim, anyways?" Arc_GM: "There's an camp about 50 km north of your..." Vryie: "Anyone have any idea which way's north?" Yerle: "We've just encountered then sometime ago, they can't be reasoned with. They just go from planet to planet treaing things up." Gitana: "50 kilometers north of here." Yerle: tearing, rather. Gitana: "Elemental, which way's north?" Yerle: "Anyone there? Hello?" Yerle shakes the communicator. Vryie *whaps* Gitana Arc_GM: Everyone sees a streak of flame sail aross the sky Vryie: "something tells me no one's home up there Yerle." Yerle gives a sad look. "They might come for us next, let's go." Yerle: "How about the elemental carry the guy? He seems strong enough." Gitana: "Yes." she looks at the other guy. "How is he? Fit for travel?" Yerle: "He seems stabilized." Yerle: "Just needs some rest." Gitana: "Good. Elemental, carry our friend," indicates the sleeping guy, "and follow us. But first, point out north." Arc_GM: The Elemental points off in one direction Arc_GM: then picks up the guy Yerle: "Guess that's north." Vryie puts the rifle in her bag of holding Gitana: "Guess so. Yerle, you want to lead the way?" Vryie heads 'that way' Arc_GM: lol Yerle slings the rifle over his shoulder and shrugs "Guess he's leading." Yerle follows Vryie. Yerle: +s Kyrie follows. Yerle: Man, it's kinda confusing with Kyrie and Vryie. :) Arc_GM: Elemental starts off at a measured pace Gitana falls in behind Yerle. Arc_GM: Al falls in Yerle: Arc, was Al chickening out during the fight? :) Kyrie elects to use her full first name then. Gitana: the elemental would prolly come in last, as I did say "follow" us. %) Arc_GM: Alien intellgence :D *** Kyrie is now known as Kyralia Yerle: Suuuuuuuuure Arc. :) Vryie: well Vryie is pronounced 'Vri' Yerle: I meant in terms of spelling since they look the same. :) Arc_GM: After trudging for the distance, you catch sight of a encampment near a glade of wierd looking trees Gitana: elementals, especially minor elementals, like this one, are fairly stupid in these respects. Arc_GM: this one walked through a wall or 3 on the way Vryie: !roll 1d100 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 100 sides per die: 42 Vryie: that's a pass on prowl Gitana: injuring the guy it's carrying, or no? Arc_GM: basically Arc_GM: a rock knocked him out Yerle: Ouch. :P Gitana: "Elemental, set the man down." Gitana goes over to look at the damage. Yerle: Man Arc you're just trying to come up with reasons to hold back on giving him a name. :) Gitana: !roll 1d100 Arc_GM: lol Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 100 sides per die: 73 Gitana: *ew* Gitana: failure on Paramedic Arc_GM: the Elemental drops the guy on the ground Yerle winces as he watches the guy fall. Gitana: I said "set him down", not "drop him". Yerle casts cure minor disorders. Vryie: !roll 1d100 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 100 sides per die: 26 Vryie: that's a pass on Holisitic healing Arc_GM: Elementals aren't stupid, they are just to alien Gitana: *sigh* "Okay... Al, can *you* carry him?" Arc_GM: "I can," Al says as he gently picks the poor guy up Gitana: how many more hours do I have control over the elemental? 24 hours from time of summoning, then it'll leave Yerle searches the encapment for signs of life. Yerle: +m Arc_GM: Plenty to go, since I am going to assuming that the spell works on the local day cycle :) Arc_GM: Yerle sees all sorts of people bustling inside, most wearing body armor and preping battle robots Yerle: "Hey guys! Glad to see some people still alive!!!" Vryie is not in sight. Arc_GM: A contingent of troops come out. the highest ranking appears to be an ensign Gitana: ritual states "24 hours per level of experience"... Yerle heads over to the officer and salutes him. Gitana: that's 24 hours, period, even if the local day is 18 or 30 hours. Gitana orders the elemental to "stay put" Kyralia does her best to look unobtrusive. Arc_GM: And I will tell you right now, that I have the option to append and modify as I see fit Arc_GM: the spells work on the local cycle rather then be fixed Arc_GM: The elemental stays put Gitana: 'k. Gitana relaxes, leaning against the elemental. Yerle: "Was there just one Dominion ship up there in the battle? Gitana: hrrm... that'd make a good visual. Arc_GM: "Sir, we weren't expecting you." the ensign replies. she glances at the guy Al is carrying. "NO sir. all 1045 starships were present. they are holding their own at the moment sir," Yerle: "Were you all about to launch?" Gitana pulls out her CD recorder, and recites a diary entry. Vryie hunts for interesting looking plants Yerle: "And do you know this officer?" Yerle: "Take him to the medic." Yerle: Forgot he was still injured. :P Arc_GM: "No, sir. The transport was destroyed during the early stages of the battle. We're stranded down here. That is ensign Hansen. He and his squad were thought to have been wiped out" Arc_GM: Vryie finds some remarkable plants that have interestingly shaded petals Vryie carefully and ritualistically takes samples without letting it touch her skin Yerle: "Is there any way to request a transport at this moment?" Arc_GM: "No sir, before we lost contact with the flagship, Hiroshima, they were heavily enaged," Yerle: Hiroshima?! Heh heh. :) Arc_GM: Vryie: the plant uproots itself and runs like hell away from you Vryie chases the plant Kyralia: And its escort, the Nagasaki? ;) Yerle: "The Hiroshima was destroyed....." Arc_GM: no, actually, the Nagasaki is still in dry dock, under construction :) Yerle: Kyra, heh heh. :) Arc_GM: Vryie: the plant scuttled toward a large clump of bushs and ducks inside Gitana: *snicker* Vryie does *not* enter the bushes. Yerle: BTW, did any of the officers actually scramble to get the ensign to the medic? :) Arc_GM: Yes, a team just showed and hauled him off Vryie hunts more plants Yerle: Dammit....... :) Arc_GM: Vryie: another plant catchs your eye Yerle: "Will you be able to communicate with another ship so that we can get off this place?" Gitana ponders.... the elemental is there for 2 days, it looks, as per the effects of the Tome of Clear Thought (from Friday) Vryie: This time, Vyrie performs the necessary rituals from a distance and snatchs a sample rapidly after she gets close enough Arc_GM: As the ensign answers several transports, escorted by a frigate or three descend Arc_GM: Vryie: you manage to get hold of a leaf, but get sprayed by a nasty smelling flower near the top of the plant Yerle: "Hmmm looks like we don't need to." Yerle: "Go along with your duties ma'am I'll greet them." Vryie: The camp hears a muffled voice exclaim in a strange language, and it doesn't sound complimentary Arc_GM: the ensign salutes and heads off Yerle heads over to where the transport lands. Arc_GM: the wind blows just right and everyone gets a good wiff of something that smells 2x worse the a shunk Yerle gets a whiff and tries to hold his breath. Kyralia: "Gaaah..." Gitana continues to recite her diary entry. "Yerle's an interesting one. A race I've not encountered before, able to command both magic and technology with ease. I wonder if he uses ambient energy, or materia." Yerle mutters to himself. "What the hell is that smell?" Gitana: "Oh, gross." Arc_GM: Al sneezes and breaths through his mouth Yerle then realizes that the commanding officer will soon arrive with that scent....."this is no way to greet them." Vryie uses a vial to capture some of the nasty substance Vryie: !roll 1d20 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 3 Vryie gets sprayed again Yerle: ...... Vryie: *insert more melodic cursing* Arc_GM: Yerle: the transports settle and armed squads come down the ramps and take up guard positions. an elder Brai'nhor officer comes down the ramp Arc_GM: *insert another dose of nasty smell* Vryie tires that again, more carefully Vryie: !roll 1d20 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 8 Kyralia: "What is that SMELL?!" Arc_GM: lol Yerle goes over to the Brai'nhor and salutes while trying not to make an ugly face from the smell "Lieutenant.......Command.....Yerle...ro.....reporting......sir...." Kyralia: "Somebody destroy several Nosferatu in here or what?" Vryie manages to dodge, but fails to get a sample Vryie tries *yet* again Vryie: !roll 1d20 Daisuke: Rolls for 1 dice at 20 sides per die: 20 Arc_GM: The brai'nhor, with admiral's bars on his uniform, makes a really sour face Gitana casts a wind rush to try and get the smell out of here... Vryie finally gets a goodsixed sample Arc_GM: lol! Vryie caps the vial firmly Yerle: "Sorry....about.....the stench sir.......I don't know.......where it comes from....." Arc_GM: Vryie: as if the other samples weren't enough... :) Vryie reaches into a pouch and pulls out a handful of leaves Vryie then strips partially and rubs down with the leaves to get rid of the stench Gitana: that doesn't help the rest of us. %) Vryie finishes rubbing and puts on a fresh gown Yerle: LOL!! It'd be funny if the other camp officers catch her. :) Vryie: putting the soiled set in the bag of holding Arc_GM: "Quite...all...right. Rather...like...the...Hrulgra...Fens...back...on...Brai'nhora, wouldn't you say?" Vryie: Yerle: *DONT'T. EVEN. THINK. ABOUT IT. Yerle: "Yes.....sir..." Arc_GM: Vryie: as you put the soiled set away, you notice that the clothes have hardened. Kyralia: "Get yourself some tomato juice for that gown, Vry." Yerle: Vry, why are you telling me this? It's Arc that determines wether or not the officers catch you. :) Vryie looks curiously at the clothes Arc_GM: Fortunately, none of the more human troops caught sight of vryie in a state of undress Yerle: LOL!!! Vryie: good thing. with a PB of 27 she'd have prolly had to end up poisoning them. :) Gitana: *to the CD-RW* "In addition to Yerle, we have encountered others from this 'Dominion Empire'. My judgement is still out on them, but they cannot be any worse than the Akarim have shown to be." Arc_GM: lol Yerle: "Sir....what....are we......gonna....do.....now....." His face is getting worse. :) Vryie puts the stiff clothes away and heads back to the outskirts of camp Vryie: keeping an eye out for more plants of course Yerle: BTW, replies are gonna be slow now, making din-din. :) Kyralia leaves to get dindin. Arc_GM: the admiral sucks in one helluva breath first and then: "We've to evacuuate this world. Long range scouts have detected reinforcements for the Akarim fleet." Arc_GM: Vryie: you find lots of interesting plants, ranging from the curious to the clearly odd Vryie takes samples Vryie: *Cautiously* Yerle: In a really quick, voice. "Understoodsir." Arc_GM: the first three plants don't do much, the fourth scuttles off fast, and the fifth gets you in the middle of the forhead with a sort of bright yellow muccus Yerle salutes the officer and heads off to tell the Ensign to prep for evacuation. Vryie scrapes off the mucus and puts it in a vial Arc_GM: With excellent disipline, all things considered, the camp is broken down and the equipment loaded onto the transports. the frigates set down and people file onboard Gitana: *tot he CD-RW* "With the transport here, Yerle is obviously going back to his people. I wonder what will happen to us. Will he want us along, or do we rift out?" Vryie appears at the edge of camp in all her glorious-though-still-slightly-stinky-self Arc_GM: gitana: the brai'nhor general approaches you Gitana: "Yes, sir?" Yerle: OOC geez Ars you act like as if we have the "To hell with your civilization" attitude. :) Arc_GM: everyone notices the bright yellow stain in the middle of her forehead Arc_GM: "Do you need transportation somewhere?" Yerle glances at Vry and shakes his head trying not to laugh. Gitana: Tana was just wondering... :) Gitana: "Yes, that would be appreciated. Thank you." Gitana: how's she taking the fact that I'm leaning up against a humanoid pile of rock? Arc_GM: He looks at the rest of you. "I assume the same goes for you?" Arc_GM: The general? he takes it in stride. magic is very common place on his homeworld Yerle: Heh heh. Yerle oocly gets behind Kyra and in a girly squeaky voice "yes I'd love to go." Vryie: "Though the plant life here is intriguing and bears further study, I do prefer keeping my skin intact." Vryie: "Your offer of transpotation is gratefully accepted." Gitana stands up fully, adjusts her cloak, and tells the elemental. "You are free from my service, return to your own plane." Arc_GM: The elemental sinks into the ground and is gone Arc_GM: The general heads off for a waiting transport, and indicates that you should follow Gitana follows the general, putting the CD-RW away. Vryie glides toward the transport with grace and dignity, oblivious to the vague stench and the prominent stain Arc_GM: lol Gitana: *to Vryie* "That yellow highlight looks good on you. But take a bath." Vryie gives Gitana a withering stare. "Why thank you." Vryie: actually, with her cloroing, it would. *SNRK* Gitana: "Wait, I have something here that may help." *hunts through the Journal for a Cleanse spell* Arc_GM: lol Yerle gets in the transport and then goes over to the general whispering something in his ear. Vryie <- black hair, dark almond eyes, pale, near translucent skin Arc_GM: The inside of the transport is comfortable in a utilitarian sort of way Gitana casts Cleanse on Vryie... the stench is removed, as is the stain. Vryie: "Many thanks." Gitana: "No problem." Arc_GM: the usual seats and all that. when everyone is seated, the transport lifts off Gitana sits by in a window seat. Vryie: 15 min till Kat's back Arc_GM: thats good...i'm feeling a little pressed for ideas without getting you all killed Vryie: wanna stop there for the day? Gitana: ... I'll be back in a few minutes... could we pause here for now? Yerle takes his seat in the transport after conversing with the general. Arc_GM: sure *** Signoff: Gitana (Quit: o/~ Learning that we're only immortal / for a limited time. o/~) Vryie has to call her mom anyway. Vryie: laters! Vryie: brb