Sarellian Dating Method Post-Study Questionnaire (Subject Form 27C) This has been a test of the Sarellian Dating Method. Thank you for your cooperation in this study. Please assist us in rating your experience by answering the questions in the following survey. Please be honest as your response will be recorded for scientific posterity and will be subsequently published in international psychological journals. 1- Strongly Agree, 2- Agree, 3- Undecided, 4- Disagree, 1- Strongly Disagree ____ 1) Subject should be notified of test prior to the start thereof. ____ 2) This has been a satisfactory relationship with the researcher. ____ 3) Subject feels rejected. (If answer is 1 or 2, proceed to Question 3a) ____ 3a) Please rate your feelings of rejection on a scale from 1-10. (1-lowest, 10-highest) ____ 4) Subject feels depressed. (If answer is 1 or 2, proceed to Question 4a) ____ 4a) Please rate your feelings of depression on a scale from 1-10. (1-lowest, 10- highest) 5) Please rate the following characteristics of the aforementioned relationship on a scale of 1-10. (1-Extremely Unsatisfactory, 10-Extremely Satisfactory) ____ a) Physical ____ b) Emotional ____ c) Spiritual ____ d) Communication 6) Please rate the probability of the following occurrences happening in the near future. (1-Highly Improbable, 10-Highly Probable) Aggressive Actions ____ a) Subject attempts suicide. ____ b) Subject attacks researcher. ____ c) Subject attacks sources of funding for this project. ____ d) Subject attacks the world in general. ____ e) All of the above. Relationships ____ a) Subject experiences feelings of distrust and suspicion toward members of the opposite sex ____ b) Subject